Soft Skills Training

The ABCs are attitude, behaviour and communication skills

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Soft Skills Training

Associated with the Emotional Quotient of a person, soft skills are defined to be a cluster or a group of traits that is helpful in characterizing inter-personal relationships. To need for soft skills training and soft skill development courses

Some examples of soft skills courses are as follows:

Personal Presentation:

It is known that first impression can often prove to be the final impression one has on a person. It thus becomes extremely crucial to dress in an appropriate fashion and be able to present oneself with propriety. Body language is being given increasing importance by professionals as it directly affects communication. For example, a slouch can over leave a negative mark on the other person whereas an erect posture reeks of confidence and surety.


Similar to the previous point, it is essential to communicate in an effective, confident and concise manner. Conversation fillers (the ‘uhms’ and the ‘uhs’), incoherence, lack of clarity etc hamper a conversation. For any kind of communication to be effective, it is important that it is well organised, the purpose is cleared and it leaves the other person enlightened rather than confused on its conclusion.

Team Work

As mentioned earlier, organisations are emphasising the need to work in a collaborative fashion rather than individually. The idea is to empower each other and facilitate the exchange of skills rather than solely concentrate on individual growth, which can be restricting. Group scenarios provide more support to team members rather than individual task delegation which can leave one feeling isolated. However, working with groups requires a certain degree of maturity, proactive behaviour, openness to feedback and presence of mind.

Soft Skills Development gives Attitude & Motivation, Self-esteem Improvement, Other Aspects of Personality Development & Interview Etiquette

What you'll learn

• How to speak in front of other people.

• How to behave in front of people.

• Change in attitude in good way.

• Get motivated.

• Understanding of Employability Quotient


In this course Soft Skills Development we will see how to analyse our personality and ways to improve it. We will see about the concept dimensions and significance of personality development. How our attitude reflects in our personality

• How Self - Motivation contributes for our personality improvement.

• How Self - Esteem plays a major role in our personality development.

Other aspects of personality development like Body language, Problem solving skills, Decision making skill, Time management, Team work, Work Ethics, Conflict Management & Stress Management and Leadership Qualities.

Employability quotient in which we will see Resume building, Group discussion and facing an interview.